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Challenge the Shrouded Ajanara Dungeon in Blade & Soul: Dawn of Darkness – Now Live

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Challenge the Shrouded Ajanara Dungeon in Blade & Soul: Dawn of Darkness – Now Live

London, UK – Aug. 11, 2022 – Chaos is still spreading across the Earthen Realm, and with no end in sight, it’s time for all the Hongmoon Warriors in Blade & Soul to begin to fight back! The Blade & Soul: Dawn of Darkness update is now available for all players, and the new Shrouded Ajanara dungeon will help players lay the foundation for the fight against Chaos. This free update also brings back the fan-favourite Frozen Vipercap Cavern event, refreshes player Daily Challenges, character balances, and more. 

To learn more, visit the Blade & Soul official website.

Shrouded Ajanara – This is a solo dungeon for players who are Level 60 HM 25+. After receiving and invitation from Grandmaster Nayul, players join him for training tat the Ajanara Monastery. The grandmaster has sensed a worrisome shift in Chaos, hinting at the possible return of the Dark Lord. As such, Ajanara has mirrored the freezing cold environment of the Dark Realm, and will pit players against challenging foes. With a series of quests to complete and scaling rewards depending on which difficulty players complete the dungeon, Shrouded Ajanara will put players to the ultimate test. The dungeon also comes with eight new Achievements and three Player Titles to unlock.

Frozen Vipercap Cavern – Venture into this icy cave and players will discover that the mushrooms within are not the friendly (or edible) kind. Players must defeat waves of mutant mushrooms in order to take on the Giant Golden Vipercap boss. The faster groups of players can clear the dungeon, the better the rewards, so be sure to prioritize speed and damage.

Daily Challenge Refresh – Daily Challenges are getting a new system that lets players accumulate up to two additional days’ worth of Daily Challenge rewards. The Daily Challenge UI has been updated to show players how many Daily Challenge rewards are ready to be claimed.

Blade & Soul: Dawn of Darkness Trailer

The Blade & Soul: Dawn of Darkness update is now live for all players. To find out more or to create an account and play for free, please visit

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