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Master the Way of the Arsenal, and take on new dungeon and games in Blade & Soul: Unchained Chaos

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Master the Way of the Arsenal, and take on new dungeon and games in Blade & Soul: Unchained Chaos

Aliso Viejo, Calif. – March 17, 2022 – The Earthen Realm will quake with fear in the sights of the new Gunslinger specialization – Way of the Arsenal – which is now available in the Blade & Soul: Unchained Chaos update. The free update also includes the new Class Change system, a new Demonsbane dungeon, and more updates. Full details of today’s update are available in the patch notes on the official website.

The Blade & Soul: Unchained Chaos update contents:

  • Gunslinger Third Specialization: Available to all Gunslingers who have completed “Legacy of the Hongmoon Clan,” the Way of the Arsenal skill spec uses a high-tech wrist launcher to summon holographic guns to hail destruction down on your enemies, specializing in being able to quickly switch between close- and long-range engagements.
  • Chaos Supply Chain Dungeon: The newest Demonsbane dungeon sends up to four players back to the heart of the Blackram pirates to stop a violent outburst amongst the Blackram’s marauders. With up to 20 stages to unlock, earn rewards and dungeon XP by clearing it quickly and efficiently.
  • Dropscotch Games Event: Suspended high in the air, two platforms are connected by 14 pairs of glass panes. One side of the glass is sturdy, the other will cause players to plummet to their doom. 12 players will be able to participate in the event up to five times per day during select times. And if just one player makes it across safely, all participants will receive rewards.
  • Class Change: Available in the Hongmoon Store for a limited time, players can now purchase a Class Change bundle for premium currency. The bundle will allow players to change their character classes and weapons, while keeping their current level. Details, instructions, and limitations can be found here.

Also including class balancing and quality of life changes, the Blade & Soul: Unchained Chaos update is available now. To find out more or to download and begin playing Blade & Soul for free, please visit the official website.


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